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  • (7) items: £128742.00
    • 501 x Somerton mk2 Tertiary Air Bar (£23.99) = £12017.99
    • 510 x Somerton mk2 Rear Brick Set (Pair) (£36.02) = £18372.24
    • 507 x Somerton II Ash Pan (Complete) (£47.99) = £24329.92
    • 392 x Somerton Mk.2 Cast Iron Grate (£35.99) = £14107.30
    • 500 x Somerton mk2 Baffle Brick (£42.00) = £21000.00
    • 520 x Somerton mk2 Side Brick Set (Pair) (£57.53) = £29914.56
    • 500 x Somerton Secondary Air Plate - Lower (£18.00) = £9000.00
    • Inc. VAT

Blog posts tagged with 'Woodburners'

Do I need an SE Stove? What is Smoke Control? – We’ve got the answers here.

Smoke control areas, or zones, have been around since the late 1950s, they were introduced to help deal with the growing pollution in cities and surrounding areas after the Industrial Revolution and the evolution of factories over the UK. Many larger towns and cities are considered to be Smoke Cont...

Mendip Stoves working for the environment

Mendip Stoves have announced that with the recent refurbishment of their factory, and a large investment in a new spray plant, they will now be able to use water based paints for all their stove products. Mendip Stoves Loxton 5 MK4 This has a great ecological benefit, not only for the wider envi...

Get two for one with new double-sided Loxton and Churchill stoves from Mendip Stoves

The latest trend in multi fuel stoves is for double-sided designs that offer maximum value as they not only heat one room, but two. Perfect for smaller homes with interlinking rooms as well as contemporary open-plan spaces, the beautifully dimensioned stoves offer large viewing windows and a huge fi...

Stove Jargon – What does it all mean?

Stove Jargon – What does it all mean? Have you ever been looking at Woodburners and not known what any of the more technical language means? When we first started out we were learning on the job so we thought we’d create some helpful definitions of generic stove jargon that can be found...


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